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Tablescapes 2023 Sponsorship
Please help us continue this important work by pledging a sponsorship for our upcoming event
Platinum Title Sponsor $5,000
Sponsorship includes 10 event tickets, logo featured on WFW website and Facebook/social media posts, signage, tickets and all printed materials, exclusive event signage, featured social media posts, name and logo printed in program with URL and blurb, full color 1/2 page ad in program, name read during announcements.

Gold Sponsor $2,500
Sponsorship includes 8 event tickets, logo featured on WFW website and social media/Facebook posts, signage, tickets and all printed materials, exclusive event signage, featured social media posts, name and logo printed in program with URL and blurb, full color 1/2 page ad in program, name read during announcements.
Silver Sponsor $1,000
Sponsorship includes 6 event tickets, logo on WFW website and social media/Facebook posts, signage, tickets and all printed materials, shared event signage, name and logo printed in program with URL, full color 1/3 page ad in program, name read during announcements.

China Sponsor $500
Sponsorship includes 4 event tickets, logo on WFW website and social media/Facebook posts, signage, tickets and all printed materials, shared event signage, name and logo printed in program with URL, black and white 1/3 page ad in program, name read during announcements.

Crystal Sponsor $250
Sponsorship includes 2 event tickets, logo on WFW website and social media/Facebook posts, signage, tickets and all printed materials, shared event signage, name and logo printed in program with URL, black and white 1/4 page ad in program, name read during announcements.

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